How long do the E-MTB Focus batteries last?

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How long do the E-MTB Focus batteries last?


One of the biggest questions pilgrims have when booking our electric bicycles (EPAC) with pedal assistance is about battery life. Well, our E-MTB batteries come in two sizes: a 625Wh battery for smaller bikes (XS and S sizes), while larger sizes (M, L, and XL) have a 750Wh battery. Why are they different? Simply because of size. Larger batteries don’t fit in smaller frames (XS and S), which is why the difference exists. Otherwise, all bikes have the same components, and if power and gear shifting are managed properly, they can last:

  • XS and S, 625Wh batteries = between 110/120 km (70/80 miles)
  • M, L and XL, 750Wh batteries = between 120/140 km (75/85 miles)

As you’ve probably read many times, battery life is never exact. They behave like any other electronic device—such as a phone or a car. The more demand placed on the battery, the shorter its lifespan. For example, if you never change gears and always use the smallest sprocket combined with maximum power, the range will decrease significantly. However, if you ride logically, respecting power levels and using a higher gear ratio on climbs, you’ll notice that the charge could even last two stages (or more).

Other factors affecting battery life are beyond our control at Cycling the Camino, such as ambient temperature or the weight carried on the bike. It is well known that extreme temperatures are "not friendly" to electric batteries—neither excessive heat nor cold. So, this uncontrollable factor should also be considered when estimating battery life. Another factor we can’t control is the weight pilgrims carry in their panniers or even their own body weight. Remember, the more power and weight demanded from the bike, the shorter the range will be. In any case, these batteries are designed to complete each stage without complications.

Also, keep in mind that E-MTB bikes are always delivered 100% charged and in optimal condition. You can rest assured that you will start your first stage without worrying about battery charge. Additionally, each bike comes with a small instruction manual and important tips that should be followed (and read carefully) to avoid problems during the route.

We do not provide the key to remove the battery overnight, a decision made to prevent issues with handling battery removal and installation. Since these batteries are large and not easy to manage, we’ve decided not to include the key. Fortunately, 99% of hotels and hostels along the Camino have charging points where you can leave the bike overnight. Moreover, Bosch chargers feature a safety system that automatically cuts off power when the charge reaches 100%, preventing any risk of overcharging, fire, or electrical issues.

If you have any questions before you start pedaling, the best option is always to ask us!

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